Monthly Archives: December 2016

5 gtenant shousesThey admired the prnamentalmarchitevtureThe story of Rock spring

 Roger Farquhar a was a Quaker. A God leading Quaker  and dairy farmer in the rockville norbeck area at the time of the civil war,b and married Caroline Miller. Of Alexandria in I 1867   They lived modestly until Carolinreceived an inheritance the couple picked out a high point on threir  land,
“””””””””O, YYpositioned and planted maple and hemlock trees and hired   Agrockville  architect to design  their dream Qhome THE NEIGHBORS BEERE IMPTRESSEDBUT REGARDEDFFMITVASCNAN R,EXTRAGVAGAMCE 

 There school be farming job mpolitics.,buitbroad between noebecy annd rockvilleo.  Wife I edof pneumatic